5 habits to decrease internet consumption

5 habits to decrease internet consumption

Do you ever exceed your internet usage limit? Do you want to reduce the transfer capacity of your internet package to save money? It is possible to decrease your internet consumption if you follow these five habits.

Track your internet usage
The first step to reduce your data consumption is to know your habits. Your internet consumption data is available at a dedicated location on your ISP’s website, such as l’espace client de Cooptel.

This data will allow you to identify the days when you consume the most and, by the same token, which of your habits have a greater impact. You can also compare the fruits of your efforts to reduce your internet consumption.

Use YouTube, Netflix and other video sites properly

Video content accounts for the majority of internet consumption. And for good reason: it is much heavier than other types of content.

So, if you let YouTube or Netflix play in the background without listening to it, you’re consuming a lot of data. So be sure to turn off AutoPlay.

You can also decrease the impact of your video viewing by choosing average quality instead of high definition, which offers respectable quality while using far less data.

Keep your antivirus up to date

It is recommended to have an updated antivirus on your computer at all times. Indeed, viruses and other infectious codes can increase your internet consumption. In addition to having access to your personal information, they may in some cases use your computer to download and upload files.

Couple checking their internet consumption.


Fortunately, new versions of Windows come with an integrated antivirus that updates itself. For their part, computers using Mac OS or Linux are generally safer, although they are not totally immune to infections.

Make sure you have a network password

An unsecured wireless network is a very bad idea. Indeed, if it is possible to connect to your network without a password, one or more neighbors may see the opportunity to use your internet for free. Most routers have a password as soon as they are installed, to prevent someone from siphoning your internet.

Limit video game downloads

Being able to download a video game purchased online just minutes ago is really handy. But at a time when several recent games exceed 25 GB without counting thier updates, it quickly inflates your Internet consumption.

In short, the best way to reduce data consumption is to monitor it and identify sources of use. It’s also a good way to assess your needs and to verify that your package matches your internet consumption.


Child who listens to a video and increases his internet consumption


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